
How to Tailor Your Cover Letter for Specific Jobs: Tips to Help You Stand Out

Updated Jan 9, 2023

Writing a cover letter is an important part of the job application process. In this article, we share [how to make a cover letter stand out](, [cover letter writing tips for job seekers](, common cover letter mistakes to avoid, and ways to highlight professional skills in cover letters. We also discuss networking tips to advance your career, cover letter optimization for ATS systems, and [how to write a cover letter]( when relocating for work. Crafting a successful cover letter is an essential step for landing the job of your dreams.

You will learn:

  1. How to research the company and job position to make sure your cover letter matches their requirements
  2. How to identify and highlight your skills and qualifications to demonstrate your suitability to the role
  3. How to customize your cover letter to the role, including incorporating your experience and details of your education
  4. How to use keywords to emphasize your qualifications and demonstrate your enthusiasm
  5. How to proofread and make sure your cover letter is professional
  6. How to follow up after submitting your cover letter

Research the Company and Job Position

When crafting an effective cover letter, the first step is to research the company and the job position. Make sure you understand the requirements and expectations of the role. Read job postings, the company website, and the company's social media to get a better sense of what the company values and what they're looking for in a candidate.

Identify Your Skills and Qualifications

Once you've done your research, it's time to identify your skills and qualifications that match the job position. Focus on the core skills and qualifications that are essential for the job, such as technical skills, problem solving, communication, and management.

Customize Your Cover Letter

To make your cover letter stand out, you need to customize it for each job application. Use the job posting to tailor your cover letter to the specific role and company. Make sure you highlight the skills and qualifications that are relevant to the job and that you can bring to the table.

Use Keywords to Highlight Your Qualifications

When writing your cover letter, use keywords to highlight your qualifications. This will make it easier for the hiring manager to see how you match the job requirements. If the job posting mentions any specific skills or qualifications, make sure to include them in your cover letter.

Incorporate Your Experience into Your Cover Letter

Be sure to include relevant experience in your cover letter. If you have any relevant work experience, volunteer experience, or internships, make sure to mention them. Include any accomplishments or successes that demonstrate your qualifications for the job.

Include Details of Your Education

In addition to your experience, make sure to include any education that is related to the job. Include the name of the school, the degree you attained, and any relevant courses you took. This will demonstrate your knowledge and qualifications for the job.

Demonstrate Your Enthusiasm

When writing your cover letter, make sure to demonstrate your enthusiasm for the job. Show that you're excited about the opportunity and that you're passionate about the work. This will make you stand out from other applicants and show the hiring manager that you're the right person for the job.

Make Sure Your Cover Letter is Professional

When writing your cover letter, make sure to keep it professional. Avoid using slang or casual language, and make sure to use [proper grammar]( understanding-semicolon/) and punctuation. Make sure to proofread your cover letter multiple times to ensure that there are no typos or other errors.

Proofread Carefully Before Sending

Proofreading is an essential part of the cover letter writing process. Make sure to read your cover letter multiple times to ensure that it's free of errors. Have someone else read it as well to make sure it's clear and concise.

Follow Up After Submitting Your Cover Letter

Once you've submitted your cover letter, make sure to follow up. Send a polite email to the hiring manager thanking them for their time and expressing your interest in the job. This will show that you're serious about the position and that you're invested in the process.

Writing an effective cover letter is an important part of the job application process. By following these tips, you can create a cover letter that will make you stand out from other applicants and increase your chances of landing an interview. Below we answer common questions entrepreneurs have about these topics.

1. Research the Company and Job Position

What led to the creation of this position?

The responsibilities of the position should be defined before the hire so that they're prepared for the job. This interview question will help the interviewer understand if the candidate is prepared for the job, and the answer will help set the hiring manager's expectations for the candidate. The answer to this question should be specific and actionable, as this will help set the hiring manager's expectations for the candidate.

How does this job fit into the overall structure of the company?

As a writer, I've learned to consider the inner workings of the company and how I fit into that. Every company has a hierarchy of leadership, and it's important to know where you fit in. It helps you understand your daily tasks, how they relate to other departments and your place in the company, and how your role supports the company as a whole.

2. Identify Your Skills and Qualifications

What skills and qualifications do you possess that make you the ideal candidate for this role?

Writers should think about answering the question, "What skills and qualifications do you possess that make you the ideal candidate for this role?" by highlighting their attention to detail. This is a crucial skill that is often overlooked as a skill to highlight as a writer. As a writer, you will be expected to not only write in-depth articles and content but you will also be expected to proofread and edit your own work, as well as that of other writers. Attention to detail is a must for this position and highlighting this skill will make you stand out.

How have your past experiences prepared you to be successful in this position?

The hiring manager wants to come away from the interview feeling like they know you and that you're a perfect fit for the job. If you're asked this question, immediately start off by telling a story that demonstrates how your past experience makes you a perfect fit for the role. For example, if you've been working in sales, you could tell a story about a time where you had to sell an expensive piece of equipment to a client and how your previous sales experience helped you close the deal. By telling a story, it helps the hiring manager get a better idea of who you are as a person and how your past experiences have helped to prepare you for the role.

3. Customize Your Cover Letter

What parts of this cover letter can I tailor to my specific qualifications?

One of the great things about the job search today is how accessible the hiring managers are on LinkedIn. Reach out to them and ask what they'd like to see in a cover letter. That way, you'll be able to tailor your cover letter to their specific tastes.

How can I make my cover letter stand out from other applicants?

Cover letters should be fun and engaging. Instead of writing an average cover letter that everyone else is writing, write one that is fun, witty, and interesting. Be true to yourself and don't be afraid to showcase your personality.

4. Use Keywords to Highlight Your Qualifications

What keywords or phrases best describe your experience, qualifications, and education?

When answering this question, I suggest you first write down all the keywords and phrases that describe your experience, qualifications, and education, and then prioritize them. Think about the importance of each keyword, and then rank them in terms of relevance, using the following scale: 1 to 10. For example, if "working with teams" is a keyword that describes your experience, and "public speaking" is another, you could prioritize "working with teams" as a more important experience because it relates to the job you're applying for.

What skills or accomplishments do you possess that would make you a great fit for the job?

Stating that you possess skills that would make you a great fit for the job should be a given. You applied for the job because you believe that your skills and experience make you a good candidate. Otherwise, you would not have applied. But you can turn this into a selling point by explaining what sets you apart from other applicants. For example, if you have extensive experience with the software or platform that will be used in the position, mention this. If you have extensive experience working with a specific demographic, mention this. If you have experience with a specific marketing strategy that is similar to the one the company uses, mention this. Asking yourself what skills or accomplishments make you a great fit for the job will help you highlight the skills that make you stand out from the crowd.

5. Incorporate Your Experience into Your Cover Letter

How have your past experiences prepared you for this position?

When answering the question, "how have your past experiences prepared you for this position?", remember to include concrete examples. Generalities are not as persuasive as specific details. It's easy to get carried away with emotions and fail to realize that past experiences are only effective when we put them into context. The interviewer is interested in your capacity for getting things done, not just the depth of your feelings. So, be sure to include the specific tasks you've performed in the past that make you qualified for the job at hand.

How have your professional experiences enabled you to develop skills applicable to this role?

When answering the question, "How have your professional experiences enabled you to develop skills applicable to this role?", I always think about the positive feedback I received from my managers and team members. It's an unexpected but very effective answer that shows your personality, positivity, and passion for your career. It also demonstrates that you're a great team player with a very positive attitude.

6. Include Details of Your Education

What is the highest degree or level of education you have obtained?

I would say that a writer should think about their current work and how they want to grow their career. Maybe you're a writer who wants to start speaking in front of audiences. Maybe you want to co-author a book with a partner. Maybe you've got big dreams to write a screenplay and get it produced. Whatever your goal, you should include any relevant education or degrees that will help you get there.

If you want to be a more established writer and want to be known as an expert in your niche, you might include a relevant advanced degree or certificate that shows you've gone through the training to become an expert. If you want to write for a long time and grow, you should include any relevant education and degrees to show you've got the education to do so.

What relevant academic credentials do you have that are related to the position you are applying for?

In my case, I have more academic credentials that are related to the position I am applying for than I can mention in a short answer, so I have to prioritize. I prioritize based on my understanding of the needs of the position. For example, if I am applying for a position that requires strong empathy skills and I know that I have a master's degree in social work, I might highlight that credential above others. This is because it shows the hiring manager that I have more than just book knowledge of empathy, but that I have real-world experience and credentials to back it up.

7. Demonstrate Your Enthusiasm

What excites you the most about this opportunity?

The best answer is always simple and truthful. A writer should keep it short and sweet, highlighting the most important aspects of the opportunity. This question is an opportunity not only to summarize the opportunity, but also to highlight what makes you the best candidate for the role. Think about the qualities that make you the best candidate for the role and highlight those aspects of the opportunity that excite you the most.

How would you use your skills to benefit the company?

There are so many ways to look at this question. You could highlight your ability to create quality content for the company website, for example. Or perhaps your ability to connect with customers through social media. Or maybe your ability to help nurture new talent in the company. Or any other skill you think would benefit the company.

8. Make Sure Your Cover Letter is Professional

Have you proofread your letter for typos [and grammar]( understanding-semicolon/) mistakes?

If you are writing a business letter, it's important to remember that your first draft may not be your best draft. You need to be willing to go back and make necessary edits and revisions to your letter to ensure it is as perfect as possible. Sticking with one draft and trying to push it out is an easy way to miss mistakes and other grammatical issues that need to be addressed.

Are you using a professional font and an appropriate font size?

You should always remember that your font size should be appropriate for your font type. If you're using a fancy font that's hard to read, you're probably going to end up with a font size that's too small to be effective. On the other hand, if you're using a simple font, you may end up with a font size that's too large and looks tacky.

The best way to find what font size works best for you is to test it out. Test different font sizes and types, and see which combination looks the best. This is a trial-and-error process, but it's one that's worth the effort when it comes to making sure your font looks professional.

9. Proofread Carefully Before Sending

Have you checked the document for spelling, grammar and punctuation errors?

The best way to answer this question is to emphasize that you've kept a close eye on your work. You want to make sure that you haven't missed anything. It's a good idea to mention that you've read your work out loud to make sure that the flow is right. If you use software to write, mention that you've proofread the document to make sure that the various programs don't introduce any errors.

Have you double-checked the accuracy of all names, dates and figures?

There are so many details to double-check when drafting a piece. But the most important are the facts you use to support your thesis. The inclusion of irrelevant facts or figures doesn't support your thesis or piece and can be distracting to the reader.

I like to read my draft aloud to spot any awkward phrasing and to make sure that I'm hitting all of the important points. Reading aloud also helps me keep track of any dates or figures I may have missed.

10. Follow Up After Submitting Your Cover Letter

What is the next step in the application process?

The application process can be long and exhausting, but you should always be ready to answer the question of the next step. If you are applying for a job and they ask you what the next step in the application process is, you should already have a plan of action ready to go. You should know exactly how long you will wait to hear back and what you will do if you do not hear back. If you are applying for a scholarship, you should know exactly how long you have to apply and what the next steps are if you do not hear back. The application process can be long and it is important to always be prepared for the next step.

How should I follow up with you if I don't hear back?

Most writers will not follow up if they don't hear back because they assume you didn't get their message, and they'd rather not bother you. If you're getting emails from writers asking you to respond, you're probably leaving a bad impression with your potential clients by not answering emails.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Research the company and job position in order to customize your cover letter for the specific job.
  2. Identify and highlight your relevant skills and qualifications, using keywords to draw attention.
  3. Incorporate your experiences into your cover letter to demonstrate your qualifications.
  4. Include details of your education and demonstrate your enthusiasm for the position.
  5. Proofread your cover letter carefully before sending and follow up after submitting.


Following these ten steps can help you create an effective and professional cover letter. Doing research on the company and job position will help you tailor your letter to the specific job. Identifying your skills and qualifications and incorporating them into your cover letter can help you stand out from other applicants. Including keywords, details of your education, and demonstrating your enthusiasm can help you grab the recruiter's attention. Making sure your cover letter is professional, proofreading it, and following up can help you get an interview and take the next step in your job search.


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