
15 Tips to Help You Craft an Outstanding Narrative Essay

Updated Dec 5, 2022

15 Tips to Help You Craft an Outstanding Narrative Essay

A narrative essay is an essential form of writing that allows us to convey our stories and experiences. It is a form of storytelling used to express our feelings, thoughts, and beliefs. Narrative essays can be creative, autobiographical, reflective, or descriptive. They can also be used to analyze literature and provide insight into the narrative structure of a work.

Storytelling is a powerful tool and can be used to communicate ideas, emotions, and experiences meaningfully. A high-quality narrative essay should be engaging and captivating, drawing the reader in. It should also be well-written, with a clear structure and purpose.

The narrative structure of a narrative essay should be carefully considered. It should be organized logically, with a clear beginning, middle, and end. Each paragraph should transition smoothly into the next, and the essay should have a clear flow.

Using vivid language and imagery is also essential in creating a high-quality narrative essay. Using strong descriptive language, the author can create a vivid picture in the reader’s mind. This helps to create a strong emotional connection between the reader and the essay.

Narrative essays are also essential tools in literary analysis. By examining the narrative structure of a work, the reader can gain insight into the author’s intent and the underlying themes of the work.

Keep reading to learn more about narrative essays and how to write one successfully!

1. Know the Key Elements of a Narrative Essay

A good narrative essay should be written so the reader can visualize the events described in the story. Good use of imagery and description will help achieve this effect. In addition, the writer should describe things in such a way that they come alive in the reader’s mind.

Using adjectives and adverbs to enhance the reader’s understanding is important, but it should be done in moderation. Writing a narrative essay is similar to telling a story, so the writer should think about how to make the story interesting and engaging for the reader.

2. Create an Engaging Plot

When you’re writing a plot, it’s essential to keep in mind the three-act structure. The three-act structure is a method of structuring a story that divides the story into three main parts: the beginning, the middle, and the end. Each part has its purpose and is important in creating a compelling plot.

The beginning sets up the story and introduces the main characters and conflict. The middle is where most of the action occurs and where the story is developed. The end is where the conflict is resolved, and the story ends. By understanding and utilizing the three-act structure, you can create a more engaging plot for your readers.

3. Avoid Common Narrative Writing Mistakes

You have to remember that while you are writing an essay, your reader is reading it. The reader notices every single detail. So, you have to be careful not to overuse any one detail. You don’t want your reader to get bored with the same descriptions repeatedly. So, mix it up and use different details instead of the same ones.

4. Create Vivid and Descriptive Language

When you’re trying to create vivid and descriptive language, it’s helpful to think about the senses that you’re appealing to. For example, you can use strong adjectives to evoke a particular visual or use specific details to evoke a particular smell. By thinking about the senses you’re trying to appeal to, you can better tailor your writing to be more effective.

5. Create an Interesting and Believable Character

The start of your story should represent your character’s life, so it’s best to plan out their backstory before writing. When you write a character with a strong backstory, you’ll find that they develop more naturally and will be easier to write. You can even use the backstory to give your character conflicts that will make them more relatable and interesting.

6. Use Dialogue to Help Your Story Come Alive

Dialogue is the life of the story. It brings the characters to life and moves the plot forward. The reader should always feel swept away by the conversation, wanting more. The characters can be dynamic, funny, or even angry, but their words should remain concise and to the point. The use of metaphors and other literary devices can be used subtly for emphasis, but dialogue should be straightforward.

7. A Strong Essay Structure

The most important thing to remember when writing an essay is to plan. Once you have an idea of what you will write about, you should plan out the structure of your essay. This can include writing an outline, creating a flow chart, or brainstorming ideas. Having a plan will help you write a structured essay that is easy to understand.

8. A Satisfying Ending

The purpose of an essay is to communicate an idea, so the ending needs to lead to a satisfying conclusion of your argument. Relevant examples and evidence can help you make your argument more convincing, and adding more detail can help your reader visualize and more easily understand your idea.

9. Use Sensory Details to Help the Reader "See" the Story

The most effective sensory details are the unexpected ones. Suppose you describe a beautiful red rose, for example. In that case, your reader will probably expect the flower to be described as beautiful, so you should look for another adjective that’s less expected.

Maybe your rose has a thorny stem, or it’s growing out of a pile of garbage. In either case, your reader will be caught off guard, and that’s what you want. When you use unexpected sensory details, your reader can “see” your story more vividly.

10. Create a Believable Setting

Use sensory details to help create the setting, including smells, sounds, and colors. Describe what your character sees, hears, smells, and feels. This will help the reader feel like they are there.

11. Symbolism to Add Depth to Your Narrative Essay

Symbols can be clearly defined or open for interpretation, but either way, they need to be connected to the main idea of your narrative essay. If symbolism is used, it should relate to the story somehow. If a reader can’t make the connection, then it becomes a distraction from your writing.

12. Use Figurative Language to Make Your Essay More Vivid and Descriptive

When writing an essay, you should use figurative language to help the reader visualize what you’re describing. Metaphors and similes are two examples of figurative language that help make your writing more vivid and descriptive.

For example, “he was as strong as an ox” is a simile that helps the reader understand that the person is very strong. Using descriptive language is one way to make your writing more vivid and descriptive.

13. Avoid Cliches and Cheesy Writing

Writers often succumb to clichés and cheesy writing to make their words stand out. However, when you want your writing to be memorable, you must be unique. Avoiding clichés and cheesy writing is about taking the right words and phrases; writers can do this by brainstorming.

When you brainstorm different ideas and phrases, you’ll have the opportunity to find new words and phrases that are more creative and relevant to your content.

14. Ensure your essay is focused and cohesive

Focusing your essay and ensuring cohesion is the key to making sure your essay is well-written. Before writing the first draft, plan and organize your essay.

Once you have made notes about the points you want to include and have an idea of the order in which you would like to put them, you can start writing. Again, taking time to focus on your essay and ensuring cohesion will make a big difference in your writing.

15. A Strong Conclusion

A strong conclusion for your essay should tie up all the loose ends and reiterate your point’s relevance. You should provide a conclusion that is short, clear, and concise. Do not leave the reader wondering, “what does this essay mean?” or “what was the point of reading this?” Tie up all the loose ends and reiterate how your point is relevant.

Final Thoughts

Writing a high-quality narrative essay is simple when you know how to! Here is a list of the tips we gave you for writing one:

Know the key elements of a narrative essay Create an engaging plot Avoid common narrative writing mistakes Create vivid and descriptive language Create an interesting and believable character Use dialogue to help your story come alive A strong essay structure A satisfying ending Use sensory details to help the reader "see" the story Create a believable setting Symbolism to add depth to your narrative essay Use figurative language to make your essay more vivid and descriptive Avoid cliches and cheesy writing Ensure your essay is focused and cohesive A strong conclusion

We wish you a smooth narrative essay-writing process. Please share this article with a fellow student!

Works Cited: Writing style and the narrative essay - lavelle - 1997 - british ... (n.d.). Retrieved January 17, 2023, from Person, Michael, & Toolan. (1998, January 30). Language in literature: Michael Toolan: Taylor & Francis Ebooks, ref. Taylor & Francis. Retrieved January 17, 2023, from Grammar 101: What is an adjective? Rephrasely. (n.d.). Retrieved January 17, 2023, from
Figures of speech 101: How to use metaphors. Rephrasely. (n.d.). Retrieved January 17, 2023, from


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