
5 Tips to Make Your Cover Letter Stand Out From the Crowd

Updated Jan 5, 2023

Writing a powerful cover letter for your job search can be daunting. However, with the right tips and techniques, you can create a cover letter that stands out from the crowd. In this blog post, we will provide five outstanding cover letter writing tips for crafting a job-specific cover letter that is tailored to each position you apply for. With these tips, you will be on your way to writing a powerful cover letter that will get the attention of potential employers.

In this blog post, you will learn:

  1. How to showcase your unique qualifications and stand out from other job candidates.
  2. How to make a personal connection with the interviewer and emphasize your personality.
  3. Tips on how to keep your cover letter concise and focused while still conveying who you are.
  4. How to research a company before applying and use that knowledge to your advantage.
  5. The importance of proofreading your cover letter multiple times to ensure there are no mistakes.

Writing a Powerful Cover Letter for Your Job Search

A cover letter is a key component of your job search, so it's important to make sure it stands out from the crowd. Here are a few tips to help you write an outstanding cover letter that will help you land your dream job:

Highlight Your Unique Qualifications

When crafting a job-specific cover letter, it's important to highlight the unique qualifications and experiences that make you the ideal candidate for the role. Don't be afraid to toot your own horn, as this is your opportunity to shine and make a lasting impression.

Make a Personal Connection

Your cover letter is a great opportunity to make a personal connection with the hiring manager. Focus on how your skills, qualifications, and experiences can help the company achieve its goals.

Keep it Concise and Focused

Your cover letter should be succinct and to-the-point. It's important to keep it focused on the company's needs and how you can meet them. Don't ramble on or try to sell yourself too hard.

Research the Company

Before you start writing your cover letter, it's important to research the company. What are the company's values and mission? What projects have they been working on lately? Knowing this information will help you tailor your cover letter and show that you're the right fit for the job.

Proofread, Proofread, Proofread!

This is the last—but certainly not least—important step in crafting an outstanding cover letter. Take your time to proofread and edit your cover letter until it's perfect. Be sure to check for any typos, spelling, or grammar mistakes.

By following these tips for writing a powerful cover letter, you can ensure that your job search is off to a successful start. Good luck! Below we answer common questions entrepreneurs have about these topics.

1. Highlight Your Unique Qualifications

What strengths and experiences do you bring to this role that other candidates may not?

A great answer to this question is to highlight your adaptability. As a writer, it can be difficult to define your "strengths" because many writers take on so many different roles. It can be helpful to define for the hiring manager what you think is your most important role, and then highlight how you adapt to other roles as needed.

This can be a great answer to highlight because it shows that you are flexible and can adapt to whatever is needed of you. As a writer, you may not have experience in many different areas, but you can quickly learn the ropes and become an asset. This answer can show off your willingness to learn and adapt to whatever is needed of you.

How have you demonstrated your ability to excel in a similar role in the past?

When answering the question, How have you demonstrated your ability to excel in a similar role in the past? a writer should think about how to demonstrate success in a similar role. The writer should provide examples of how they have met goals, exceeded expectations, or demonstrated expertise in a similar role in the past. For example, if you are applying for a position as a writer or editor and have not had the opportunity to work in a similar role, you could still demonstrate your ability to excel in this role by showing off your writing or editing skills in your cover letter or resume.

2. Make a Personal Connection

What do you like to do in your free time?

Hobbies and interests are important to include in your resume because they help demonstrate your personality and give employers a better sense of who you are as a person. For example, if you love reading, you can use it to build rapport with other readers during interviews. You could also use it to frame questions you may want to ask during an interview. For example, you could ask what kinds of books clients or their employees are reading to get a sense of their interests.

What is your favorite kind of music?

When answering the question, "what is your favorite kind of music?", it's best to be specific. The more specific you are, the more you can relate to the person asking the question and the easier it will be to explain your tastes. For instance, my favorite kind of music is indie rock, and I'm very specific about which indie rock I like. I like chill, atmospheric indie rock that has a strong focus on lyrics. This means that I love bands like Death Cab for Cutie and The Antlers. If you're not sure what kind of music you like, try listening to a variety of different kinds and see which ones you keep coming back to. You'll probably find that you have a very specific taste in music.

3. Keep it Concise and Focused

How can you ensure that your message is concise and focused?

It's a challenge to keep one's writing concise and focused. But if you are an expert in your field, use your experience and knowledge to create well-thought-out arguments that follow a logical progression.

As you write, keep in mind the three pillars of persuasive writing: your topic, your thesis, and your supporting arguments. As you follow this progression, your writing will become more concise and focused.

What techniques can you use to ensure that your message remains concise and focused?

The best way to ensure your message remains concise and focused is to write down your main points before you move on to the finer points. I like to use an outline to keep things neat and orderly for my readers. By organizing your thoughts beforehand, you can make sure that your message is clear and concise.

4. Research the Company

What is the company's mission statement?

Be specific and direct. The company's mission statement should be clear and concise. Do not overcomplicate it. Think about the company's core values and how they go hand in hand with their mission. Focus on what makes the company unique and how they help the world.

What strategies does the company use to remain competitive in its industry?

Every company is fighting to maintain its competitive edge, and every writer knows this answer well. But how you answer this question is what matters the most. The most common way to answer it is to talk about how your business is innovative and how you continue to push the envelope. It's a good move to make, but it's also a common one.

Here's the better option: Instead of talking about your company, talk about yourself. That's right: instead of regurgitating the same old answer, talk about your own unique journey. Use your personal story to illuminate how your expertise and vision have helped your business thrive and remain competitive in your industry. You'll stand out and give the writer something they can't get anywhere else.

5. Proofread, Proofread, Proofread!

How can I ensure that I have proofread my work thoroughly?

As a copywriter, I'm always checking for mistakes as I write, but I still make sure to read over my work a second time before handing it in for a client. The second read-through is a final check to make sure I haven't made any typos or grammar blunders that have slipped by in the first read-through. I also like to use the second read-through to see if I can improve on the flow of my writing.

What techniques can I use to find errors that I might have overlooked?

One technique to find errors you might have overlooked is to read your work aloud. This is a tried and true method of catching errors that your eyes may miss. Reading aloud slows you down and helps you focus on the content. If the writing is difficult or complex, this will be even more evident when you read aloud.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Showcase your unique skills and experiences to stand out from the crowd.
  2. Make a personal connection with the employer to demonstrate your enthusiasm.
  3. Keep your cover letter concise and focused on the company's needs.
  4. Research the employer thoroughly to tailor your letter to their needs.
  5. Read, re-read, and proofread your letter to ensure it is error-free.


In conclusion, it is important to remember the key components of a successful cover letter when applying for a job. Highlight your unique qualifications that make you the perfect fit for the job, make a personal connection with the company, keep it concise and focused, research the company, and proofread, proofread, proofread! By taking the time to craft a well-written cover letter, you will be more likely to receive a call back for an interview and get the job of your dreams.


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