
Best Practices: 7 Tactics Students Can Use to Write More Quickly

Updated Jul 15, 2024

Best Practices: 7 Tactics Students Can Use to Write More Quickly

In today’s fast-paced educational environment, the ability to write quickly and efficiently is an invaluable skill for students. Whether it’s crafting a persuasive essay, completing a research paper, or preparing a personal statement, mastering the art of speedy writing can lead to better grades and increased confidence. Fortunately, there are proven tactics that students can employ to enhance their writing speed without sacrificing quality. Here are seven best practices that can transform your writing process from a daunting task into a manageable—and even enjoyable—experience.

1. Pre-write

Pre-writing is the foundation of effective writing. It involves jotting down ideas and thoughts before the actual writing begins. This step is crucial for students who often struggle to initiate their essays or projects. According to research from Purdue Online Writing Lab, pre-writing helps reduce the pressure to create the perfect first sentence or paragraph, allowing students to focus on getting their ideas on paper without judgment.

By pre-writing, students can brainstorm, outline, and clarify their thoughts, providing a clear roadmap for their writing. This not only enhances creativity but also fosters a greater sense of control over the writing process. Try using techniques such as mind mapping or free writing during this phase to unlock new ideas and perspectives. The key is to steer clear of perfectionism—get those ideas flowing, and fine-tune them later.

2. Outline

Once you’ve gathered your ideas through pre-writing, the next step is to create a structured outline. Outlining helps you organize your thoughts logically, ensuring that your writing has a flow and coherence. Instead of copying another author’s structure, use your own words to describe the main points and subpoints you want to cover. This personal approach not only reinforces your understanding of the material but also makes the writing process smoother.

To craft an effective outline, consider using bullet points to list your main arguments and supporting details. You might also find it helpful to check out resources like MindMeister or Coggle for digital mind mapping tools that can make the outlining process more dynamic and engaging. An outline serves as your blueprint, guiding you through each section of your paper and ensuring that no important points are missed.

3. Get Organized

Effective organization can dramatically increase your writing speed. One of the most straightforward methods to achieve this is by utilizing a to-do list. Whether you prefer a handwritten list or a digital app, breaking down your writing tasks into manageable steps can help you stay focused and productive.

How does a to-do list enhance your writing process? By clearly defining each task—such as "draft introduction" or "edit conclusions"—you can keep track of your progress and identify what needs to be done next. Todoist and Trello are excellent digital options for organizing tasks and setting deadlines.

Additionally, consider creating a “done” column where you can check off tasks as you complete them. This simple practice of visual reinforcement can boost your morale and motivate you to tackle the next item on your list.

4. Eliminate Distractions

In a world filled with distractions, finding a conducive environment for writing can be a game-changer. Begin by identifying your most productive times—whether that’s early in the morning or later in the evening—and block out those periods on your calendar strictly for writing.

Creating a focused environment involves minimizing interruptions. Websites like Freedom and Cold Turkey can help you block distracting websites and apps, keeping you on task. Remember, the goal is to immerse yourself in your writing without the temptation of social media or phone notifications. Establishing a distraction-free zone increases productivity and fosters deeper concentration, allowing your ideas to flow freely.

5. Set a Timer

Time management plays a significant role in enhancing writing speed. One effective technique is the Pomodoro Technique, which involves working in focused bursts followed by short breaks. Set a timer for 30 minutes and concentrate solely on your writing during this period. Once the timer goes off, take a 5-minute break to recharge.

For more extended writing sessions, consider increasing your work intervals to 45 minutes and taking a 10-minute break. This method allows for sustained concentration while preventing burnout. Furthermore, you can also use timers to schedule your study sessions. Setting aside specific amounts of time for study—like 20-minute focused intervals—can aid in retention and understanding of the material, turning cramming into a more controlled and effective study approach.

6. Take Breaks

Incorporating breaks into your writing routine is not just beneficial; it’s essential. Regular breaks help refresh your mind, reduce mental fatigue, and enhance overall productivity. Mindlessly pushing through without breaks can lead to burnout, decreased focus, and diminished quality in your writing.

To make breaks effective, consider scheduling them into your routine. For example, after completing a writing task, give yourself a short pause—maybe take a walk, stretch, or grab a snack. Research from the American Psychological Association supports the idea that brief interruptions can reignite creativity and focus. By prioritizing rest, you’re ultimately working smarter, not harder.

7. Practice

Finally, the cornerstone of writing efficiently is to practice regularly. Like any skill, writing improves with consistent practice, but it’s crucial to practice smart. Whenever you have an opportunity to hone your skills—be it through essays, blog posts, or journaling—take it.

Another way to make your practice sessions more effective is by utilizing rubrics. A rubric outlines the criteria for success in your writing assignment, helping you focus on what is most important. As discussed in Cornell University's resource on assessment, using a rubric can guide your practice and ensure that you meet the established standards. Try selecting two or three key criteria from a rubric related to your writing—such as clarity, organization, or argument strength—and target these aspects in your practice efforts. This method makes your practice purposeful and aligned with your learning goals.


In conclusion, writing quickly is a skill that can be cultivated with intention and the right strategies. By implementing these best practices—pre-writing to brainstorm ideas, outlining for structure, getting organized, eliminating distractions, setting timers, taking necessary breaks, and practicing smartly—students can significantly improve their writing speed and efficiency.

As you develop these habits in your study routine, you’ll find that not only does your writing become faster, but also more enjoyable and rewarding. Embrace these techniques, and watch as your confidence and academic performance soar. With these tools in your arsenal, you’ll be well on your way to becoming an adept and skilled writer.

By prioritizing these practices, students lay the groundwork for academic success, preparing themselves for future challenges in both academic and professional writing environments. The journey to becoming a proficient writer begins now!

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