
Indict In A Sentence

Indict in a Sentence: Understanding the Legal Term and its Application

Have you ever come across the term "indict" while watching a crime drama series or reading a thrilling legal novel? Perhaps you have wondered what it means and how it is used in real-life legal proceedings. In this article, we will explore the meaning of "indict" as well as provide you with some examples of its usage in a sentence.

What does "indict" mean?

To begin, let's define the term "indict." In legal terms, an indictment refers to a formal accusation or charge made against an individual or entity for committing a crime. It is a crucial step within the criminal justice system, as it initiates the legal process against the accused.

The Process of Indictment

Before an individual can be indicted, a thorough investigation is usually conducted by law enforcement agencies or other relevant authorities. This investigation aims to gather evidence and establish probable cause, which is the reasonable belief that a crime has been committed and the accused person is responsible.

Once the investigation is complete, the evidence is presented to a grand jury, a group of citizens who review the evidence and determine whether there is enough evidence to support the accusation. If the grand jury believes there is sufficient evidence, they will issue an indictment, formally charging the individual with the crime.

Examples of "indict" in a sentence

Now, let's explore some examples of how the term "indict" can be used in a sentence:

  1. "The prosecutor decided to indict the suspect for embezzlement based on the substantial evidence collected during the investigation."

  2. "After a thorough review of the case, the grand jury chose to indict the company on charges of environmental pollution."

  3. "Despite the defendant's attempts to evade justice, the grand jury ultimately voted to indict him for first-degree murder."

  4. "The federal authorities have decided to indict several high-ranking officials involved in the corruption scandal that has shaken the nation."

The Implications of an Indictment

It is important to note that an indictment does not imply guilt. Instead, it signifies that there is sufficient evidence to proceed with a trial and allows the accused person the opportunity to present their defense against the charges. The final determination of guilt or innocence is made by a judge or jury during the trial.


Understanding the meaning of "indict" and its application in legal proceedings is crucial for comprehending the intricacies of the criminal justice system. By indicting individuals or entities, the legal authorities take the first step towards holding them accountable for their alleged crimes. Remember, an indictment is only the beginning of a legal process, and the ultimate decision rests with the courts.

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